
Late Night Thursday

Arts Council supporters welcome new Director

Barbara Lamb, Cindy Clair, and Mimsie Coleman.


On Monday, November 28, arts organizations and artist members turned out in style to welcome the new Arts Council Executive Director Cindy Clair. The reception, held in Neighborhood Music School’s beautiful new recital hall, featured music by and lots of friendly faces. Welcome Cindy!

Seniority Rule

On Friday, November 17, community members, family, artists and friends packed the Small Space Gallery to celebrate the opening of Seniority Rule. The exhibit featured paintings and collages from area senior artists, ranging in age from their late 60’s to 91. Participating artists included Mary Lee Neale, Mary Grant and Jo Garguilo of West Haven, Brenda Harvey and Lee LaForte of Orange, New Haven’s Phil Foxx, Ruth Blum and Mary Lou Horan.


Random Intention

On Thursday, November 9, the artists’ reception for Random Intention at Gallery 195 was held at NewAlliance Bank. The exhibit, which features works by local artists Oi Fortin and Liz Pagano, explores the interactions of chance and control in the creative process of printmaking.

To read a review of the show in the New Haven Register, please visit the link below: http://www.ctcentral.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=17513068&BRD=1773&PAG=461&dept_id=566798&rfi=6